Friday, April 08, 2005

Back to Reality

Well damn, the party’s over, as they say all good things must come to an end. Come Monday morning QOM will be back. QOM (queen of mean) is my not so nice boss, who’s been in Italy for the last 2 weeks. I’m sure the first words out of her mouth will be how the Popes death put a damper on her trip.

So, did I take this opportunity to tackle my in-box? Clean my office? Work on outstanding projects? Hell no, I played online, perused the newspaper, drank coffee leisurely, called friends and chatted, took 2 hour-long breaks and went home early everyday. Therefore, today I’m trying to play catch up and am scrambling like mad to at least give the appearance that I worked my ass off while she was gone. Was it worth it? Hell yes!!

Weekend plans include getting material to finish a blanket I’ve been working on and a trip to the local bead store. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures here, I will be showing projects I’m working on.

Back to Reality

Well damn, the party’s over, as they say all good things must come to an end. Come Monday morning QOM will be back. QOM (queen of mean) is my not so nice boss, who’s been in Italy for the last 2 weeks. I’m sure the first words out of her mouth will be how the Popes death put a damper on her trip.

So, did I take this opportunity to tackle my in-box? Clean my office? Work on outstanding projects? Hell no, I played online, perused the newspaper, drank coffee leisurely, called friends and chatted, took 2 hour-long breaks and went home early everyday. Therefore, today I’m trying to play catch up and am scrambling like mad to at least give the appearance that I worked my ass off while she was gone. Was it worth it? Hell yes!!

Weekend plans include getting material to finish a blanket I’ve been working on and a trip to the local bead store. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures here, I will be showing projects I’m working on. Happy Friday!!

Back to Reality

Well damn, the party's over. I've had two blissful weeks of peace, but come Monday morning QOM will be back. QOM (queen of mean) is my not so nice boss. She's been in Italy for two weeks. I'm sure the first thing out of her mouth Monday morning will be a tirade about how the Popes death put a damper on her trip.

So, did I take this very much deserved time to catch up? Clean my office? Work on outstanding projects? Nope, I played online, read the paper, drank coffee leisurely, went for 2 hour breaks, called friends and chatted, went home early every day and basically had my own 2 week vacation without having to deduct any time off!! Ok, so I admit, today I'm scrambling like mad to do as much as I can to at least give the appearance that I was working like a fiend while she was gone.

Weekend plans include purchasing the material to finish a blanket for my grandson. Once I figure out how to post pictures here, I'll be showing projects that I'm working on. While I haven't been doing much in the past I'm hopeful that a return of creativity is on the way.